When it comes to investing, there are many options available. One option that is gaining popularity among investors is mutual funds. Mutual funds are an investment vehicle that allows investors to pool their money together and invest in different assets, such as bonds, stocks, and other securities.

There are two types of mutual funds:

  • Actively managed: They are funds where the fund manager decides which assets to buy and sell.
  • Passively managed: Passively managed funds, also known as index funds, track a specific market index such as the S&P 500.

The performance of a mutual fund is typically measured by its Net Asset Value (NAV). The NAV is calculated by subtracting the fund’s liabilities from its total assets and dividing by the number of outstanding shares.

Dubai offers many opportunities for those seeking to invest in mutual funds. The city is home to several world-renowned financial institutions, and its economy is booming. Mutual funds offer several benefits that make them an attractive investment option, especially for those looking to invest in Dubai.

Professional management

One of the most critical advantages of investing in mutual funds is having professional money managers oversee your investment. These managers have the knowledge and experience to ensure your money is being invested correctly and are constantly working to grow your investment.


Another key benefit of mutual funds is that they offer diversification. When you invest in a mutual fund, your money is spread out over several different investments, which reduces your risk. If one investment goes down, the other fund investments can help offset the loss.

Access to expertise

One of the best benefits of investing in mutual funds is that you have access to the fund manager’s expertise and the research team. These professionals constantly analyse the market and look for opportunities to grow your investment.


Mutual funds are also very liquid, so you can easily convert them into cash if you need to. It can be helpful in an emergency or if you want to take advantage of an opportunity.

Types of mutual funds in Dubai

Dubai offers many opportunities for those seeking to invest in mutual funds. The city is home to several world-renowned financial institutions, and its economy is booming. There are several different mutual funds available to investors in Dubai.

Equity fund

The most popular type of mutual fund in Dubai is the equity fund. Equity funds invest in stocks and other securities and are typically more volatile than other funds. However, they also offer the potential for higher returns over time.

Bond funds

Bond funds are another popular type of mutual fund in Dubai. These funds invest in bonds and are typically less volatile than equity funds. However, they also offer lower returns over time.

Money market funds

This type of fund is a mutual fund that invests in short-term debt instruments. Investors typically use these funds as a place to park their money while they decide what to do with it. However, money market funds are not without risk as they are subject to interest rate risk.

Index funds

Finally, there are also index funds available in Dubai. These types of funds track a specific market index, like the very popular S&P 500. Index funds offer diversification and are typically less volatile than other types of mutual funds

Bottom line

Lastly, another excellent benefit of investing in mutual funds include reinvesting your dividends and getting started with a small investment. If you are a novice trader looking for an investment option that can offer you all of these benefits, then mutual funds may be the right choice.

Consider your investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses before investing in a mutual fund. Contact a reputable and experienced online broker from the Saxo Dubai market and start your investment journey today.