Alternative investments are assets that do not fit traditional market standards. In practice, these options are not yet well established in the market, or that many investors do not know in depth.

  • Furthermore, it is a category of investments that normally:
  • can offer attractive return potential;
  • is not traded directly on the stock exchange;
  • can be negotiated in both public and private environments;
  • has higher risks;
  • may have low liquidity compared to the traditional market;
  • tends to show a lack of correlation with the traditional market.

What Are The Main Types Of Alternative Investments On The Market?

Now that you know what alternative investments like in e360 Power for instance are and their main characteristics, see below the main options for investing in this asset class!


Despite some controversies and controversies, the cannabis sector has grown and developed worldwide, being the target of several researches. This is because cannabis can be used in numerous areas, such as medicinal, industrial, veterinary, and scientific.

With the growth of interest in the sector, it is now possible to invest in this market in a regulated manner.


Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that can be used to carry out financial transactions. However, they do not exist in physical form, only virtually. Furthermore, crypto actives stand out for functioning in a decentralized manner.

Investing in cryptocurrencies can be done directly by purchasing digital assets. However, it is also possible to expose yourself to them indirectly through investment funds.


Another alternative investment option is forestry assets. The aim is to invest in the planting of forests through the purchase of specific bonds. When the trees grow and are ready to be cut, the wood is sold, and the investor receives a share of the profits.


Many people like to drink wine, but have you ever considered investing in this market? This is also an alternative investment opportunity. Several funds, especially abroad, focus on trading this drink.

Other Alternative Investment Options

So far, you have seen the main types of alternative investments by US-based alternative investments manager for example on the market. However, they are not the only ones. If you are interested in investing in this segment and want to know more options, it is worth analyzing other possibilities, such as:

  • energy assets
  • collectibles, such as works of art
  • crowdfunding
  • peer to peer
  • royalties
  • precatory

What Are The Advantages Of Having Alternative Investments In Your Portfolio?

After knowing the main types of alternative investments available on the market, it’s time to find out the advantages they can offer your portfolio. Among the main benefits is the possibility of obtaining higher returns than traditional market investments.

Furthermore, it is a way to diversify your investment portfolio. There is also a low relationship with the traditional market, which allows you to protect your portfolio from the impacts caused by times of crisis, for example.

However, you must understand more about the opportunities to take advantage of these and other benefits. After all, they also involve higher risks, so they must be considered when deciding.